区块链里的数据结构分析,Daa Srucure Aalysis i he World of Blockchai

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Tile: A Deep Dive io he World of Blockchai Daa Srucures: Udersadig heir Cuisie ad Applicaios

Daa Srucure Aalysis i he World of Blockchai


Blockchais are esseially a deceralized, disribued ledger ha eables he creaio, verificaio, ad sorage of digial rasacios. There are wo mai ypes of blockchais: public blockchais like Ehereum ad Bicoi ad privae blockchais like Ripple or Off-chai blockchais like IPFS (IerPlaeary File Sysem). Each block of a public blockchai chai coais a record of a paricular rasacio, icludig he seder's ipus, recipie's oupus, imesamp, ad he mea-daa (e.g., hash code, block heigh). Blockchai cosesus algorihms esure ha hese rasacio records are validaed, imesamped, ad disribued across muliple odes i he ework, resulig i a fully sychroized ad amper-proof record of iformaio.

Deceralized Daa Srucures

Deceralized daa srucures force he ework o remai deceralized ad esures ha o sigle eiy corols he owership ad visibiliy of iformaio. To maiai his propery, blockchai implemeaios use propery-based daa srucures, where each block capures a sapsho of a propery a a give imesamp. I his srucure, each daa objec (e.g., a rasacio, a coi, or a record) is preseed i a way ha makes i easy o udersad ad reaso abou he properies represeed i a give block. This modular approach allows for a chai of blocks o be desiged o sore ad rerieve specific ypes of iformaio while avoidig he challege of coordiaio or hierarchical maageme ihere i disribued daabases.

Advaced Sice Muli-Pary Compuaio (MPCC) Algorihms

Oe buil-i feaure of blockchai daa srucures is he use of MPCC algorihms for deceralized cosesus. MPCC algorihms, which sads for Mulicollaboraive Cosesus, eable deceralized decisios-makig ad validaio wihou he eed for a ceral auhoriy. Two commo