1. 酷头学院 > 数据


1. Deceralizaio ad Disribued Ledger

2. Immuable ad Tamper-Resisa Daa

Blockchai achieves immuabiliy hrough crypographic hashig ad cosesus mechaisms. Oce daa is recorded o he blockchai, i cao be alered reroacively wihou alerig all subseque blocks, makig i compuaioally impracical o amper wih pas rasacios. This feaure is criical for maiaiig daa iegriy ad esablishig rus amog paricipas.

3. Trasparecy ad Audiabiliy

4. Cosesus Mechaisms

Cosesus mechaisms are proocols ha esure all odes i a blockchai ework agree o he curre sae of he ledger. These mechaisms vary across differe blockchai plaforms ad may iclude Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Sake (PoS), ad Delegaed Proof of Sake (DPoS). Cosesus esures he iegriy ad cosisecy of daa wihou relyig o a ceral auhoriy.

5. Smar Coracs ad Programmabiliy

6. Scalabiliy Challeges

7. Privacy ad Cofideialiy

While blockchai offers rasparecy, esurig privacy ad cofideialiy of sesiive daa remais a cocer. Techiques such as zero-kowledge proofs, rig sigaures, ad privae rasacios are employed o proec user privacy while maiaiig he iegriy ad securiy of he blockchai.

8. Ieroperabiliy ad Sadards

9. Evoluio ad Adapabiliy
